Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog post #3: Scorpions & Siblings

When you ever hear the word scorpion, you probably think “poisonous bug or, deadly arachnid, but in my book Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers. It tells the story about a kid named Jamal who lived a hard life,there's no father in his life, his brother Randy is in jail for killing a store clerk, and his mom has to work every day to support the family. So technically He's the man of the house. 

Jamal also has a sister named "Sassy", like most kids she's defiant and annoying but she is kind and caring. But she's the one who always drives Jamal crazy. They fight over everything, what to eat , who watches TV, and on Jamal for telling her younger sister wants to do.

 I know what Jamal goes through with little kids, I don't have a younger brother/sister, however I do have a nephew and a niece. They're always so defiant, literally rebelling against brushing their teeth, sleeping at 10:00 AM, and eating healthy foods. It's moments like that when Sassy from Scorpions glues into my mind and then I think "wow this so looks like Jamal's situation!" I love my kids but they are pain in the butts sometimes (worth it!!!)"Jamal, what would you do in situations like mine?"

1 comment:

  1. I like how you connect a conflict in the book to things going on in your real life. I have little people in my family who are like that, doing things only to defy their parents. I also like how you kind of ask Jamal a question at the end of your post.
