Thursday, November 17, 2011

Having trouble surviving school?

                If you’ve been having trouble trying to survive in school, like I have, then have no fear, Jon & Jayne Doe’s guide to getting through school (mostly intact) This book informs me how to survive the wild jungle called school. Not only does it tell you how to avoid this situation, but it also gives you tips for a “what if this happens” problem and how their experience at school could help you if you have a related problem like “How to write an essay and keep it organized and neat.”
 If you have a test and you’re completely stressed, there are tips on how to calm yourself down or ways to make a study guide and some strategies that can make you committed to studying for example: If you have a test/project that’s due in about 3 days, don’t panic! You have to plan your time, for a test you should start studying during your spare time and when the day of the test comes just relax and pretend you’re only writing answers on a piece of paper, you won’t get arrested if you answer a question. And do not save anything for the last minute! It’ll just haunt you. I made this tip so that I can improve on my tests and projects. But I try and keep the tips related to the advice Jon and Jayne Doe are giving me. Now I try and follow these tips and I hope they prove successful.
My point is that if you’re having trouble surviving in school, then you should read this series and it could help you to become a better student and maybe even a better person.

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