Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bullies & Aspergers syndrome

My book Perfect targets by: Rebeckah Heinrichs explains how kids with AS (Asperger Syndrome) are being affected by the bullying in their schools and more than we think. There are dozens of stories of kids who have or have bullied a kid with Asperger’s explaining how the problem starts, what’s the outcome, and what is a possible solution and can it be used for similar conflicts?  But there are few questions that stick to my mind when I read this book.

            Is there justice being served in the text?
I don’t know if justice is being served in the text, since it’s already been done but this could prevent this from happening in the future and justice could be served to the victims of this bullying (spiritually of course)

Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?
Obviously it’s the bullies that block justice for the kids with AS either for fun or for revenge because on some cases kids with AS blurt out some hurtful and angry words, next minute they don’t even remember saying it.  The bully finds it fake and retaliates  by pummeling or mocking the child with AS and it actually makes them even more depressed than they are.

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