Thursday, December 8, 2011

Should I let go of the knife?

                      I just started to read the book The knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness and I've just read the first 30 pages and so far, so good. For now I’m pretty hooked with the book, it’s like every character in the town knows this big secret and yet keeps it away from the rest of the world. I’m curious to know. I still have the same questions from last week.
    Is there justice being served in the text?
Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?

    Is there justice being served in the text?
            I wish to know if there was justice being served in the text by now, however, a conflict is yet to be resolved. I just hope justice will be served later on throughout the book.

Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?
            I think mayor Prentiss and some politicians in Todd’s hometown are the antagonists in this book. Because they’re hiding something that they think no one else can find out, must be really bad. I wonder if someone finds out, Prentiss’ career will be decimated. If I keep reading, Todd & I will find the truth.
     That is if I don’t quit while I’m ahead. It’s books like these that have a crappy ending, I hope this one doesn’t follow up.

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame but sometimes true that those kinds of stories do have endings that you didn't hope for. This seems like the kind of story that will have an ending you won't see coming, that's for sure. You should try to explane the emotions of the people in the book because i feel like that can help you find out better if justice was or is being served or why somebody would block justice in the story.
