Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nope, not letting go

This is part 2 of my blog on The knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness and I have got to say, this is the first book I feel truly addicted to throughout this short period of 8th grade. Now I have read up to 219 pages of this book.
          One thing I have noticed is Todd’s changes throughout the story.
          From a regular kid in his village to discovering things he’s never seen before, Todd is the only character in the book that interests me the most. He lives in a town with no women, a quiet town, and every political figure there has a secret. And Todd then starts to unveil a secret so dark, that to his hometown, he’s become public enemy#1. In my perspective, at the beginning Todd was another teen trying to live his life, in the middle he’s kind of scared, scared that if he dies, no one will know the town’s horrible secret. And through out the rest of the book he becomes noble and willing to sacrifice.
I just hope I’ll be satisfied with the ending. 
For more on character developments in the knife of never letting go visit

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Should I let go of the knife?

                      I just started to read the book The knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness and I've just read the first 30 pages and so far, so good. For now I’m pretty hooked with the book, it’s like every character in the town knows this big secret and yet keeps it away from the rest of the world. I’m curious to know. I still have the same questions from last week.
    Is there justice being served in the text?
Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?

    Is there justice being served in the text?
            I wish to know if there was justice being served in the text by now, however, a conflict is yet to be resolved. I just hope justice will be served later on throughout the book.

Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?
            I think mayor Prentiss and some politicians in Todd’s hometown are the antagonists in this book. Because they’re hiding something that they think no one else can find out, must be really bad. I wonder if someone finds out, Prentiss’ career will be decimated. If I keep reading, Todd & I will find the truth.
     That is if I don’t quit while I’m ahead. It’s books like these that have a crappy ending, I hope this one doesn’t follow up.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bullies & Aspergers syndrome

My book Perfect targets by: Rebeckah Heinrichs explains how kids with AS (Asperger Syndrome) are being affected by the bullying in their schools and more than we think. There are dozens of stories of kids who have or have bullied a kid with Asperger’s explaining how the problem starts, what’s the outcome, and what is a possible solution and can it be used for similar conflicts?  But there are few questions that stick to my mind when I read this book.

            Is there justice being served in the text?
I don’t know if justice is being served in the text, since it’s already been done but this could prevent this from happening in the future and justice could be served to the victims of this bullying (spiritually of course)

Who blocks justice, what is their motivation?
Obviously it’s the bullies that block justice for the kids with AS either for fun or for revenge because on some cases kids with AS blurt out some hurtful and angry words, next minute they don’t even remember saying it.  The bully finds it fake and retaliates  by pummeling or mocking the child with AS and it actually makes them even more depressed than they are.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Having trouble surviving school?

                If you’ve been having trouble trying to survive in school, like I have, then have no fear, Jon & Jayne Doe’s guide to getting through school (mostly intact) This book informs me how to survive the wild jungle called school. Not only does it tell you how to avoid this situation, but it also gives you tips for a “what if this happens” problem and how their experience at school could help you if you have a related problem like “How to write an essay and keep it organized and neat.”
 If you have a test and you’re completely stressed, there are tips on how to calm yourself down or ways to make a study guide and some strategies that can make you committed to studying for example: If you have a test/project that’s due in about 3 days, don’t panic! You have to plan your time, for a test you should start studying during your spare time and when the day of the test comes just relax and pretend you’re only writing answers on a piece of paper, you won’t get arrested if you answer a question. And do not save anything for the last minute! It’ll just haunt you. I made this tip so that I can improve on my tests and projects. But I try and keep the tips related to the advice Jon and Jayne Doe are giving me. Now I try and follow these tips and I hope they prove successful.
My point is that if you’re having trouble surviving in school, then you should read this series and it could help you to become a better student and maybe even a better person.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Miracles can happen

Who brings or represents Justice? Who we might typically assume?
          In my book Miracle at Monty middle school, by Mary. A. Monroe, I think Mr. Martin brings justice to Melvin and the other kids with academic problems. I believe Mr. Martin brings justice because Mr. Martin has inspired these kids to be confident in themselves and he also gave the students the help and tutoring they need.

In the beginning of the book, Melvin did not have anyone to help him, he pretty much fails a lot classes. Even the middle school tries to hide him and the 11 other students, in room 122 at the far end of the school, for a D.O.P (Drop Out Prevention) class. So I guess Mr. Martin practically brings the justice through out the story.

          I have just started this book but I can already tell who’s bringing the peace and justice and I know who’s going to block it. If I keep reading this book eventually I can find something in the story that I can relate to...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

There's a boy in the girl's bathroom! (post)

Whose perspective is missing? 
    Personally in There's a boy in the girls bathroom  by Louis Sachar   I think  Jeff's perspective isn't really being heard. I think this because, sure he gets to talk a lot but I don't really hear much about his story, what he's experiencing with his own eyes. I would love to know more about his story in first person. And I would love to know more about the character changes from both sides (Bradley and Jeff) then the story would be way more Juicy and Interesting. The kind that would make me want more and more!
However I do appreciate how the author makes the character change between Bradley and Jeff. For instance Bradley went from bully to gentle and caring, and Jeff went from Gentle and nice to being a popular bully. The next time I write a realistic fiction story I want to be sure I use the old characteristic switch.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Praise the godless one!!

           In the book I’m reading Godless by Pete Hautman, It tells the story of a kid named Jason Bock who’s been saying that he’s 100% agnostic-going-on-atheist on Christianity. So instead he tries to create his own new and completely original religion.

Chutengodians, but this god doesn’t worship Jehovah nor Christ, but a water tower, you’re probably thinking “a water tower, a Water Tower??!!” I know it sounds silly, but I think that it’s a good idea. I think this because Jason could finally start something fresh, to follow his own way of life (religiously), and maybe inspiring some people in the process.
            I don’t really think I could relate to this book religiously; however anybody who questioned his/her religion could put themselves in Jason’s shoes. I think I could relate with his curiosity and imagination. For instance, when Jason had no religion to turn to, I guess he thought to himself “Well life and water are so precious, and since the water tower supports those needs, why not make a religion worshipping the water tower?” Jason tries to plan everything for his new religion ads, preaching and even trying to write their own bible.
            All and all, I have not read the end yet and Jason Bock may not have inspired a lot of people into the Chutendogians, but he’s inspired me in imagination, curiosity, and creativity so far.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog post #3: Scorpions & Siblings

When you ever hear the word scorpion, you probably think “poisonous bug or, deadly arachnid, but in my book Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers. It tells the story about a kid named Jamal who lived a hard life,there's no father in his life, his brother Randy is in jail for killing a store clerk, and his mom has to work every day to support the family. So technically He's the man of the house. 

Jamal also has a sister named "Sassy", like most kids she's defiant and annoying but she is kind and caring. But she's the one who always drives Jamal crazy. They fight over everything, what to eat , who watches TV, and on Jamal for telling her younger sister wants to do.

 I know what Jamal goes through with little kids, I don't have a younger brother/sister, however I do have a nephew and a niece. They're always so defiant, literally rebelling against brushing their teeth, sleeping at 10:00 AM, and eating healthy foods. It's moments like that when Sassy from Scorpions glues into my mind and then I think "wow this so looks like Jamal's situation!" I love my kids but they are pain in the butts sometimes (worth it!!!)"Jamal, what would you do in situations like mine?"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bridge to Terabithia post # 2 (elaborated)

          Rereading question: Why do you think Jess threw away all of his paints and papers away? Have you ever had that feeling? 

           My opinion on why he threw all of his paints away is because, for him, it was hard to cope with the fact that Leslie is dead, his friend, his guidance! Gone, forever. Jess who was in a fit of rage, threw all the art supplies that Leslie gave him. (poor guy)

            After his state of anger, he felt lost again, and he's all alone again. That's where the bonding with his dad really begins. Jess started to worry how will he survive without
her, but Jack tried to encourages him with this quote:

"Jack Aarons: She brought you something special when she came here, didn't she? That's what you hold onto. That's how you keep her alive.
         And after Jack calms Jess down, Jess will later come to peace and accept that Leslie is gone, plus a few of his demons have finally come to rest, Knowing as long as he's still breathing Leslie lives on. 

           I've been upset a couple of times in my life, but never in Jess' level of rage. I wish I could understand his experience, but I can't. I admit I've been pushed to rage, but I manage it with self control throughout my life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bridge to Terabithia post # 2

Who is Jess and why is he important?
         Jess is the main character of Bridge to Terabithia. he's had a hard time in this story, his father was gone for a while so Jess had had to be the man of the house, he also had his family as the first antagonists, next his story continues as school with a bully named Gary Fulcher. He always picks on Jess, they're like old enemies. The beginning of the story was miserable for Jess, until a girl named Leslie came into his life, she was practically the only friend that Jess had. And from that their relationship started to grow, until Leslie's tragic death, at that moment Jess showed out his true feelings for her. Love and denial of the fact that Leslie is dead.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1'st day of blogging

Hey, everyone this the creator of the convoy of comments, Julio Herrera, here to say that this is the 1'st time I've ever blogged so anyone reading this post, please link up as fast as you can. I will write my comments on any book/current event/etc. And I would love it if some people would reply to them.

Julio Herrera

Bridge to Terabithia post

         Bridge to Terabithia is a terrific classic and had a terrific movie. I felt like I could actually see the entire story with my own eyes. And when Leslie came into Jess' life, their relationship kept building and building especially when they played in the woods and entered like a world of imagination and named it Terabithia. I'm almost finished with the book. There are not really a lot of action in this book. However, Jess does deal with modern day problems like being bullied by other kids in school, family problems, and of course...
There is loss, NO SPOILERS!!!  I like reading this book like a thousand times!